Gassmann, Oliver & Ferrandina, Fabrizio (Ed.) (2021): Connected Business: Create Value in the Networked Economy. Springer, Berlin, New York.
Haefner, Naomi; Palmié, Maximilian & Leppänen, Petteri T. (2021): With(out) a Little Help from My Friends? Reconciling Incongruous Findings on Stakeholder Management, Innovation, and Firm Performance. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 10422587211024497.
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Schweitzer, Fiona; Palmié, Maximilian; Gassmann, Oliver; Kahlert, Jonas & Roeth, Tobias (2021): Open Innovation for Institutional Entrepreneurship: How Incumbents Induce Institutional Change to Advance Autonomous Driving. R&D Management.
Lingens, Bernhard; Huber, Florian & Gassmann, Oliver (2021): Loner or Team Player: How Firms Allocate Orchestrator Tasks amongst Ecosystem Actors. European Management Journal, ISSN 0263-2373.
Palmié, Maximilian; Böhm, Jonas; Friedrich, Jonas; Parida, Vinit; Wincent, Joakim; Kahlert, Jonas; Gassmann, Oliver & Sjödin, David (2021): Startups Versus Incumbents in ‘Green’ Industry Transformations: A Comparative Study of Business Model Archetypes in the Electrical Power Sector. Industrial Marketing Management, 96, 35-49.
Lingens, Bernhard; Böger, Maximilian & Gassmann, Oliver (2021): Even a Small Conductor Can Lead a Large Orchestra: How Startups Orchestrate Ecosystems. California Management Review, 1-26.
Häfner, Naomi; Wincent, Joakim; Parida, Vinit & Gassmann, Oliver (2021): Artificial Intelligence and Innovation Management: A Review, Framework, and Research Agenda. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 162.
Palmié, Maximilian; Böhm, Jonas; Lekkas, Charlotte-Katharina; Parida, Vinit; Wincent, Joakim & Gassmann, Oliver (2021): Circular Business Model Implementation: Design Choices, Orchestration Strategies, and Transition Pathways for Resource-sharing Solutions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 280 124399.
Friedrich, Jonas; Palmié, Maximilian & Gassmann, Oliver (2021): Does Smart equal Sustainable? Selective Coupling and Sustainability Performance in 251 Smart City Initiatives understood as Hybrid Organizations. Academy of Management Proceedings.
Lingens, Bernhard; Miehé, Lucas & Gassmann, Oliver (2021): The Ecosystem Blueprint: How Firms Shape the Design of an Ecosystem According to the Surrounding Conditions. Long Range Planning.
Schuhmacher, Alexander; Gatto, Alexander; Kuss, Michael; Gassmann, Oliver & Hinder, Markus (2021): Big Techs and Startups in Pharmaceutical R&D – A 2020 perspective on artificial intelligence. Drug Discovery Today.
Schuhmacher, Alexander; Brieke, Clara; Gassmann, Oliver; Hinder, Markus & Hartl, Dominik (2021): Systematic Risk Identification and Assessment Using a New Risk Map in Pharmaceutical R&D. Drug Discovery Today.
Einhorn, Martin; Löffler, Michael; de Bellis, Emanuel; Herrmann, Andreas & Burghartz, Pia (ed.) (2021): The Machine Age of Customer Insight. Emerald Publishing Limited.
Fleisch, Elgar; Franz, Christoph; Herrmann, Andreas & Mönninghoff, Annette (2021): Die Digitale Pille. Eine Reise in die Zukunft unseres Gesundheitssystems. Campus Verlag, Frankfurt / New York.
Fleisch, Elgar; Franz, Christoph & Herrmann, Andreas (2021): The Digital Pill - What Everyone Should Know about the Future of Our Healthcare System. Bingley, UK, Emerald Publishing.
Herrmann Andreas (2021): Mobility: From Autonomous Driving Towards Mobility-as-a-Service. In: Gassmann Oliver, Ferrandina Fabrizio (eds) Connected Business. Springer, Berlin, New York.
Hofstetter, Reto; Dahl, Darren W.; Aryobsei, Suleiman & Herrmann, Andreas (2021). Constraining Ideas: How Seeing Ideas of Others Harms Creativity in Open Innovation. Journal of Marketing Research, 58(1), 95–114.
Gächter, Simon; Johnson, Eric J. & Herrmann, Andreas (2021): Individual-level Loss Aversion in Riskless and Risky Choices. Theory and Decision, 1-26.
Hofstetter, Reto; Dahl, Darren W.; Aryobsei, Suleiman & Herrmann, Andreas (2021): The Problem with Innovation Contests. Harvard Business Review, July/August.
Henkel, Sven; Wentzel, Daniel & Tomczak Torsten (2021): Mitarbeiter-kommunikation aus Sicht der Markenführung. In: Einwiller. Sabine; Sackmann, Sonja & Zerfaß, Ansgar (eds) Handbuch Mitarbeiterkommunikation. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.
Bucher, Jan-Hendrik; Fuchs, Matthias; Gollnhofer, Johanna Franziska; Leimert, Hannah; Manke, Birte Karoline Linnea; Tomczak, Torsten & Vario, Marco (2021): Schweizer Konsumentenverhalten und Markenkommunikation in Zeiten der Covid-19-Pandemie. Marketing Review St. Gallen, 3/2021.
Leimert, Hannah; Scharfenberger, Philipp & Tomczak, Torsten (2021): A Contemporary Approach to Holistic Brand Communication. Marketing Review St. Gallen: Die neue Thexis-Marketingfachzeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis, 2/2021, 10-18.